The Beatles Wiki

I Should Have Known Better is a song by The Beatles, written by John Lennon, and credited to Lennon/McCartney. It was released on the album A Hard Day's Night, in 1964 and also the second song on the UK version.

In the film A Hard Day's Night, the song is performed in the train segment, while the card game is being played.


Surprisingly, this is a very opimistic song written by John.


In take 8, John said that he couldn't breathe after the mouth organ bit and in take 11, John couldn't hear what chords they were going to use


Transcript for Bloopers

Take 8

John: I Should have known better with a Girl like You (coughs)

That I would (Speaks Gibberish)

Manager: Take 9

John: I Can't Breathe After I've Done that Mouth Organ Bit, Can we skip the Mouth Organ

Take 11

John: And when I Whisper (Laughs Uncontrollably)

I couldn't hear what chords they were going to use

Manager: Take 12

John: A Bit Less of George

I Feel as Though I'm singing in a sock

McCartney II No... A stub?
Please sing into it if you can.